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- /*
- ** filesysres.h for ACE Basic
- **
- ** Note: Translated to ACE by ConvertC2ACE
- ** @ MapMeadow Software, Nils Sjoholm
- **
- **
- ** Date: 09/03/95
- **
- **
- */
- /*
- ** This are the StructPointer defines for filesysres.h
- */
- #ifndef FileSysEntryPtr
- #define FileSysEntryPtr ADDRESS
- #endif
- #ifndef FileSysResourcePtr
- #define FileSysResourcePtr ADDRESS
- #endif
- /*
- ** End of StructPointer defines for filesysres.h
- */
- #ifndef EXEC_NODES_H
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef EXEC_LISTS_H
- #include <exec/lists.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef DOS_DOS_H
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #endif
- #define FSRNAME "FileSystem.resource"
- STRUCT FileSysResource
- Node fsr_Node /* on resource list */
- ADDRESS fsr_Creator /* name of creator of this resource */
- _List fsr_FileSysEntries /* list of FileSysEntry structs */
- STRUCT FileSysEntry
- Node fse_Node /* on fsr_FileSysEntries list */
- /* ln_Name is of creator of this entry */
- LONGINT fse_DosType /* DosType of this FileSys */
- LONGINT fse_Version /* Version of this FileSys */
- LONGINT fse_PatchFlags /* bits set for those of the following that */
- /* need to be substituted into a standard */
- /* device node for this file system: e.g. */
- /* &H180 for substitute SegList & GlobalVec */
- LONGINT fse_Type /* device node type: zero */
- ADDRESS fse_Task /* standard dos "task" FIELD */
- ADDRESS fse_Lock /* not used for devices: zero */
- ADDRESS fse_Handler /* filename to loadseg (if SegList is null) */
- LONGINT fse_StackSize /* stacksize to use when starting task */
- LONGINT fse_Priority /* task priority when starting task */
- ADDRESS fse_Startup /* startup msg: FileSysStartupMsg for disks */
- ADDRESS fse_SegList /* code to run to start new task */
- ADDRESS fse_GlobalVec /* BCPL global vector when starting task */
- /* no more entries need exist than those implied by fse_PatchFlags */